- 5 rounds
- 10 Deadlifts (225/135)
- 15 Ring Dips / 30 box dips
- 400 M run
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
- we will have open gym from 10am-12pm only!
- please come in early enough to get a 30min WOD in before 12pm. We will have a WOD prepared for you.
- Also please remember we are CLOSED tomorrow Dec. 25th!
Friday, December 21, 2012
- 2 rounds
- 30 Goblet Squats (70/53)
- 50 KB Sumo DLHP (70/53)
- 50 KB Russian Swings (70/53)
- 800 M run
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Fight Gone Bad
- Three rounds of:
- Wall-balls (20/14), 10 ft target (Reps)
- Sumo DLHP (75 / 45) (Reps)
- Box Jump, 20" (Reps)
- Push-press, 75 / 45) (Reps)
- Row (Calories)
- In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises.
- One MIN break between each round of 5 minutes. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
Monday, December 17, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 25 Toes To Bars
- 25 Deadlifts (135/95)
- 25 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
- 25 Front Squats (135/95)
- 25 KB Swings (70/53)
Sunday, December 16, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 6 rounds
- 9 Thrusters (115/75)
- 4 Ring or Bar Muscle Ups / or 12 pullups
- 15 Ab Mat Situps
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 15 Min AMRAP
- 7 Front Squats (135/85)
- 7 Sumo DLHP (135/85)
- 20 Mountain Climbers
- then...
- 1000M row
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 7 min AMRAP
- 5 Deadlift (275/165)
- 10 HSPU
- 5 min rest then...
- 30-20-10
- Double Unders / Knee Tucks
- Pullups
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Closed Saturday Dec. 8th
We are closed Saturday Dec. 8th for the Soul Open Olympic Weightlifting competition. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 5 rounds
- 5 Hang Power Snatch (95/65)
- 15 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 20 Med Ball Situps (20/14)
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 20 KB Swings (70/53)
- 30 Double Unders / 30 Knee Tucks
- 3 Rope Climbs / 20 Pullups
- 30 Double Unders / 30 Knee Tucks
- 20 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 30 Double Unders / 30 Knee Tucks
- 20 Chest to Bar Pullups
- 30 Double Unders / 30 Knee Tucks
- 20 KB Sumo DLHP (70/53)
- 30 Double Unders / 30 Knee Tucks
Sunday, December 2, 2012
- SWOD: Push Press 5-5-5-5-5
- 1 minute on, 1 minute off x 7
- 100 M run then with time remaining
- AMRAP Cluster (clean into thruster)(115/75)
Thursday, November 29, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 800 M run then immediately
- 3 rounds
- 15 C2B pullups
- 30 HR Pushups
- and end with 800 M run
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
- SWOD then....
- 50 wall balls (20/14)
- 50 Burpees
- 50 box jumps (30"/24")
- cool down: 150 med ball partner situps
Monday, November 26, 2012
- SWOD: 50 M prowler hi-bar sprints 4x each person with minimum of 2 minute break between each sprint (180 / 120)
- **weights are total ADDED to prowler weights
- 7 Min AMRAP
- 3 Hang Power Cleans (205/ 125)
- 1 Rope Climb / 10 pullups
- 5 minute rest
- 7 min AMRAP
- 20 Double Unders / 20 knee tucks
- 7 Deadlifts (205/125)
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
11/24/12 - Remembering Joe Lengel
- 10 rounds
- 10 Thrusters (95/65)
- 10 Bar Facing Burpees
- 10 Pullups
- 57 Double Unders / 150 singles
- *In honor of Joe Lengel who was murdered while opening up his box in Toledo.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
We will have OPEN GYM from 10am-12pm on Friday 11/23/12. We have a WOD ready for you to come in and do on your own or you can come in and work on any skill you'd like. There will be a running clock for those who want to do the WOD below...
- 25 Min AMRAP
- 40 Air Squats
- 40 Russian Twists (45/25)
- 400 M run
Happy Thanksgiving!!
please remember we are closed today and will have open gym hours tomorrow (Friday) Hours will be announced tomorrow morning
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Pre-Turkey Burner 11/21/12
- We are closed Thursday! We will have open gym hours on Friday (hours to be announced)
- 10 Min AMRAP
- 5 Power Cleans (185/115)
- 10 Bar Burpees
- rest 7 minutes then...
- 800 or 1600 M run
Monday, November 19, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 5 rounds
- 5 Ring Muscle Ups (RX) or 5 bar MU's / 10 pullups and 10 dips
- 15 Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
- 20 Situps
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
11/15/12 - Happy Birthday Guby!
- SWOD then...
- 2 rounds
- 400 M run
- 14 KB Snatch (53/35) (7 per arm)
- 15 Ring Dips / 45 box dips
- 50 situps (20/14)
- 400 M run
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 7 rounds
- 10 Floor Presses (135/95)
- 10 bar on back lunges (135/95) (5 per leg)
- 10 Box Jumps (30"/24")
Monday, November 12, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 20 Double-Unders / 20 knee tucks
- 21-15-9
- Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
- Toes to Bars
- The WOD starts with 20 dubs…. Any time you drop the bar, or drop off the toes to bar before completing the sets of 21-15-9 reps you have a twenty double under penalty.
- If you do all 21-15-9 reps unbroken, then no penalty is assessed.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
- 100 M run
- 25 KB American Swings (70/53)
- 25 Plate Get Up Situps(45/25)
- 200 M Run
- 25 KB American Swings (70/53)
- 25 Plate Get Up Situps(45/25)
- 400 M Run
- 25 KB American Swings (70/53)
- 25 Plate Get Up Situps(45/25)
- 800 M Run
- 25 KB American Swings (70/53)
- 25 Plate Get Up Situps(45/25)
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
- SWOD then...
- Pyramid Start at
- 1,2,3...7,8,7,6...1
- Sumo DLHP (70/53)
- OHS (115/85)
- Toes To Bars
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
- SWOD then...
- Team WOD
- 30 deadlifts (315/205)
- 70 burpees planks (trainer will explain)
- 120 partner situps (20/14)
- **reps are total PER TEAM. Only the partner situps are done by both partners at the same time
Monday, November 5, 2012
- WARMUP: 20 front squats with bar only and 20 pushups
- 5 rounds
- 400 meter run
- 30 box jumps (24"/20")
- 30 Wall balls (20/14)
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
- SWOD then...
- AMRAP 12 minutes
- 5 Snatches (power or squat) (135/95)
- 5 power clean (same weight)
- 5 Push Press (same weight)
- 5 back squats (same weight)
- 50 double unders
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Zombies vs Humans - Halloween WOD
- SWOD then...
- If you are a human you will start the workout with the first group. If you are a Zombie you will start the WOD exactly 3 minutes after the living people and try to catch them!
- Run 800m
- then.. 2 rounds of:
- 20 burpees
- 30 box jumps
- 40 situps
- Run 400m
- *If you are a Zombie you must catch at least one person. If you fail to catch somebody you must do a penalty of 25 burpees after the workout.
- **If you are alive and you get caught by any Zombies then you must also do the 25 burpees.
- The only people who don’t do burpees are the living who don’t get caught and the Zombies who catch people.
- Whether you are caught (as a human) or catch someone (as a zombie) you must both finish the WOD. A person can only be caught ONCE.
- So if you're caught, let everyone else know
Monday, October 29, 2012
SWOD then...
1 minute rounds with 1 minute rest:
3 rounds
50 M sprint
AMRAP HSPU or pushups
3 rounds
50 M sprint
AMRAP toes to bars or v-ups
3 rounds
50 M sprint
AMRAP KB American Swings (70/53)
*1 minute rest between each round, including when switching movements after every 3rd round
1 minute rounds with 1 minute rest:
3 rounds
50 M sprint
AMRAP HSPU or pushups
3 rounds
50 M sprint
AMRAP toes to bars or v-ups
3 rounds
50 M sprint
AMRAP KB American Swings (70/53)
*1 minute rest between each round, including when switching movements after every 3rd round
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
800 M run
40 Pushups
40 Wall Balls (20/14)
60 Russian Twists (45/25) (30 each side)
800 M run
Thursday, October 25, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 5 rounds
- 10 Floor Press (135/75)
- 10 Floor Wipers (same weight)
- 10 Box Jumps (30"/24")
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Hang PC+FS and Annie - 10/25/12
- SWOD then...
- 7 Min AMRAP
- 7 Hang Power Cleans (185/115)
- 7 Front Squats (185/115)
- rest 5 min then...
- Annie
- 50-40-30-20-10
- Double Unders / Knee Tucks
- Ab Mat Situps (med ball optional)
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
10/23/12 - Pandemonium WOD #4 individual
- SWOD then...
- 25 Sumo DLHP (115/85)
- 40 KB Swings (70/53)
- 50 Wall Balls (20/14)
- SWOD then...
- 8 rounds
- 5 strict pullups (elbows locked, chin past the bar FULL RANGE OF MOTION)
- 10 weighted overhead box step ups (45/25) (24"/20")
- buy out: 800 M run (immediately after 8th round, this included in your WOD time)
Thursday, October 18, 2012
- SWOD then...
- EMOM 16 minutes - every minute on the minute
- odd minute - 10 KB Swings (70/53)
- even minute - 6 HSPU (or 12 modified)
- *coach notes - advanced athletes can do 9 HSPU
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
- SWOD then...
- Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
- 3 Power cleans (135/95)
- 6 Pushups
- 9 Air Squats
- Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
- 3 Min Test - Max Rope Climbs then...
- 50 M OH Lunges walk (45/25)
- 800 M Run
- 30 Sumo DLHP (70/53)
- 10 muscle ups / 20 ring dips / 40 box dips
- 800 M run
- 50M OH lunges walk (45/25)
Monday, October 15, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 4 rounds
- 24 Double Unders / or knee tucks
- 12 Toes To Bars
- 6 Deadlifts (275/165)
Sunday, October 14, 2012
- Most HSPU in 2 minutes (men on 45# and women 25# plate, head must touch ab mat) or work on HSPU and depth of HSPU
- then...
- 200 M run
- 20 box jumps (30"/24")
- 30 burpees
- 40 pullups
- 50 wall balls (20/14)
- 200 M run
- Compare to 02/08/12
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 10 rounds
- 5 Sumo DLHP (115/75)
- 5 Push Press (same weight)
- 10 med ball situps (20/14)
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 15 min AMRAP
- 30 double unders / 30 knee tucks
- 10 knees to elbows / 15 v-ups
- 7 ring dips / 30 box dips
- 4 hang cleans (185/105)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
- SWOD then...
- AMRAP 8 Minutes
- 5 Power Snatches (135/85)
- 10 over bar burpees
- rest 5 minutes then...
- 1600 M run
Thursday, October 4, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 13 min AMRAP
- 20 double unders / 20 knee tucks
- 10 Weighted Lunge steps (115/75)
- 1 rope climb / 7 pullups
- cool down: 800M ru
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
- SWOD then...
- Pyramid
- 1,2,3...7,8,7,6...1
- KB American Swings (70/53)
- Box Jumps (30"/24")
- Push Press (115/75)
Monday, October 1, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 1 minute on, 1 minute off (repeat for 8 rounds)
- 5 Hang Clean (135/95)
- 7 Front Squats (same weight)
- AMRAP situps with remaining time
Sunday, September 30, 2012
10/01/12 - Hero WOD Del
- 25 Burpees
- 400m run with med ball (20/14)
- 25 C2B pullups
- 400m run with med ball (20/14)
- 25 HSPU
- 400m run with med ball (20/14)
- 25 C2B pull-ups
- 400m run with med ball (20/14)
- 25 Burpees
Thursday, September 27, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 15 Min AMRAP
- 20 Russian Twists (45/25)
- 10 Front Squats (115/75)
- 5 Push Press (same weight)
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 100 double unders
- 50 Sumo DLHP (70/53)
- 40 Floor Press (135/95)
- 30 Toes to Bars
- 15 HSPU
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
- Teams of 2 or 3
- 4 rounds
- 100 M Prowler push (high bar only)(135/95)
- 10 power cleans (205/125)
- 4 rope climbs
- *rep numbers are for team of 2, teams of 3 will do 100M prowler but heavier weight, 15 cleans, and 6 rope climbs per round.
- *modification for rope climbs will be 5 pullups per rope climb.
- *one partner working at a time. teams of 3 may have 2 partners working at a time
Monday, September 24, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 20 Min AMRAP
- Teams of 3 or 4
- partner 1 Does 10 pushups
- partner 2 AMRAP deadlifts (185/115)
- partner 3 AMRAP wall balls (20/14)
- switch every time partner 1 finishes the 10 pushups. they will take partner 2's place and partner 2 will go to wall balls. Partner 3 will then do the 10 pushups
- *Partners will ask what rep count the previous partner was on and continue the reps from there. Partners should pair up where they have same DL weight and med ball.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
- SWOD then....
- 8 rounds
- 10 Double Unders / knee tucks
- 10 Situps (20/14)
- 10 KB American Swings (70/53)
Monday, September 17, 2012
Running with Fran - 9/18/12
- SWOD then...
- 21-15-9
- Thrusters (95/65)
- Pullups
- do a 400 M run after completing the full set of 21, 15 and 9.
- So 21 thrusters, 21 pullups 400m run, etc
Sunday, September 16, 2012
- SWOD then....
- 7 rounds
- 8 Single arm KB Snatch (70/53) (4 per arm)
- 12 burpees
- 200 M run
*notes: KB single arm snatch starts from floor to locked out elbow overhead.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 3 rounds
- 30 double unders / 20 knee tucks
- 15 Floor Press (135 / 75)
- 7 Sumo DLHP (same weight)
- 2 rope climbs
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
- SWOD then...
- Barbell Complex = 1 full rep
- 7 AMRAP of Barbell Complex
- 1 Power Clean (155/105)
- 1 Front Squat
- 1 Shoulder to Overhead
- 1 Back Squat
- 1 Back Rack to Overhead
- *notes: a squat clean, thruster is allowed. Shoulder to overhead may be a push press or push jerk
- 10 minute rest
- 1600 M run for time
Saturday, September 8, 2012
- 3 rounds
- 800 M run
- 20 Goblet Squats (70/53)
- 20 single KB Floor Press (70/53)
- 40 double unders / 25 knee tucks
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 30 Hang Power Clean (95/65)
- 30 push jerks (same)
- 30 TTB
- 30 wall balls
- 800 M run
Monday, September 3, 2012
- SWOD then...
- Tabata (20 sec on, 10 sec off)
- 8 rounds each exercise. 1 minute rest before going to next exercise. Must finish one exercise for 8 rounds before doing next.
- hollow rock
- pushups
- KB Sumo DLHP (53/35)
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
- SWOD then...
- ***In teams of 3 or 4
- AMRAP 25 minutes
- 400m prowler push Hi-Bar (135/90)
- 9 Squat Snatches or P. Snatch plus OHS (115/75)
- 30 Situps
- **prowler weight is 3 plates for men / 2 plates for women RX**
- ** reps are total per team. Squat Snatch must be one person at a time.
- **situps can be done all teamates together
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 21/15/9/3
- burpee box jumps
- power clean (135/95)
- **ONE rope climb after EACH set, finish 21 burpees BJ's do 1 rope climb, do 21 p. cleans and do 1 rope climb.
- **should be 1 rope climb per set of 21, 15, 9, and 3 so total of 8 climbs.
- ** replace 7 pullups for each rope climb
Monday, August 27, 2012
Post Isaac - 8/28/12
- SWOD then...
- 4 rounds
- 6 ring muscle ups / 18 box dips
- 12 hspu / 24 mod. HSPU
- 15 KB russian Swings (70/53)
- ***athletes who will do muscle ups on the rings have first dibs before athletes who do ring dips
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Closed Monday August 27th!
we are closed due to the storm and weather conditions.
We will re-open on Tuesday August 28th.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 5 rounds
- 2 min on, 1 min off
- 100 M run
- 25(scaled) or 40 (rx) med ball situps (20/14)
- AMRAP of Floor Press (135/95)
- **floor press will be AMRAP with remaining time from 2 minutes AFTER run and situps
- **situps will be 25 for scaled and 40 reps for Rx/faster paced athletes
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
- SWOD then...
- Teams of 3 WOD! Summer Crush Event 1 remix
- *each partner must do one of the movements in each round. No sharing of reps, each partner must start and finish their exercise in that specific round.
- 3 rounds
- 150M buddy carry
- 20 Snatches (115/75)
- 20 Bar hopping burpees
Monday, August 20, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 4 rounds
- 8 Thrusters (115/75)
- 12 KB American Swings (70/53)
- 16 pushups
- 400 M run
Sunday, August 19, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 15 min AMRAP
- 5 hang power clean (155/95)
- 10 knees to elbows
- 20 double unders or 15 knee tucks
Thursday, August 16, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 400 M run
- 40 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 400 M run
- 40 HR Pushups
- 400 M run
- 5 rope climbs (15') / or 20 strict pullups
- 400 M run
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 5 Min AMRAP
- 3 Deadlift (275/165)
- 7 over bar burpees
- rest 5 min
- 5 min AMRAP
- 3 OHS (155/105)
- 7 Sumo DLHP (70/53)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 5 rounds
- 5 HSPU / or 10 modified
- 10 KB American Swings (70/53)
- 15 med ball situps (20/14)
- 100 M run
Sunday, August 12, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 400m run then immediately begin
- 30-20-10
- Front Squats (135/95)
- Pullups
- double unders or knee tuck jumps
Thursday, August 9, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 15 Toes to Bars
- 25 Bar Sumo DLHP (115/75)
- 35 Floor Press (same weight)
- 45 Floor wipers (20/side)
- 50 pushups
- 45 Floor wipers
- 35 Floor Press
- 25 Sumo DLHP
- 15 Toes To Bars
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
- SWOD then...
- Team WOD 2-3
- 3 rounds
- 40 KB single arm Clean & Jerk (53/35) (10 per arm per teamate)
- 20 ring dips / 60 box dips
- 400 M sandbag run (45/25)
- *notes: ONE KB per team (pair up in similar strengths)
- *add reps for teams of 3.
- *Always one person resting in teams of 2 OR 3
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 7 rounds
- 15 KB american swings (53/35)
- 30 double unders / 20 knee tuck jumps
- 15 Box jumps (24"/20")
Monday, August 6, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 12 Min AMRAP
- 7 Deadlifts (185/115)
- 3 Hang Power Clean (185/115)
- 100 M run
- cool down: situps
Friday, August 3, 2012
- teams of 2
- 800 M run
- 60 wall balls
- 60 box jumps (24"/20")
- 60 clapping pushups
- 800 M run
- *Both 800 M runs will be done together. Reps for other exercises will be split in any way the teams want. Add 1/3 of reps for teams of 3.
- *One teammate working at a time.
- *Teams of 3 can work 2 people at once on reps.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 3 rounds
- 10 push press (155/95)
- 25 Russian KB swings (70/53)
- 40 double unders / 120 singles
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
- SWOD then...
- Tabata (20 seconds on/ 10 sec off)
- Air Squats
- KB Sumo DLHP (70/53)
- Pushups (hand release)
- Russian Twists (45/25)
- *8x each exercise. 1 min rest in between each exercise. Complete 8 sets before moving on to next exercise.
Monday, July 30, 2012
- SWOD then...
- teams of 2 or 3 people
- AMRAP 12 Minutes
- 10 Deadlifts (315/205)
- 20 Box Jumps (30"/24")
- 30 med ball situps (20/10)
Sunday, July 29, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 25 Ring dips / 75 box dips
- 50 Pull-ups
- 25 KB lunges (53/35)
- 50 Clean & jerk (95/65)
- 25 KB lunges (53/35)
- 50 Pull-ups
- 25 Ring dips / 75 box dips
Thursday, July 26, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 5 rounds
- 7 Muscle Ups/14 ring dips/ 21 box dips
- 10 HSPU / 20 modified
- 20 Double Unders / 60 singles
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
7/25/12 - Happy Birthday Bull!
- SWOD then...
- 7 min AMRAP
- 3 Power Clean (205/125)
- 6 C2B pullups
- rest 5 minutes
- 7 min AMRAP
- 3 Power Snatch (135/85)
- 6 burpees
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
- Strength WOD then...
- 3 deadlifts (275/185)
- 5 box jumps (30"/24")
- 100 M run
- 6 deadlifts (275/185)
- 10 box jumps (30"/24")
- 200 M run
- 9 deadlifts (275/185)
- 15 box jumps (30"/24")
- 400 M run
- 12 deadlifts (275/185)
- 20 box jumps (30"/24")
- 800 M run
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 30 KB American Swings (53/35)
- 30 Toes To Bars
- 50 Mountain climbers (25/side)
- 60 russian twists (30/side)
- 50 Mountain climbers (25/side)
- 30 Toes To Bars
- 30 KB American Swings (53/35)
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
- SWOD then...
- Teams of 2-3
- 4 rounds
- 400 M run
- 20 sumo DLHP (70/53)
- 20 plank burpees
- *the reps are total PER TEAM of 2.
- *teams of 3 will have 30 sumo DLHP & 30 plank burpees, 3rd team can do burpees over the bar.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 5 rounds
- 5 ring muscle ups / 10 ring dips / 20 box dips
- 20 wall balls
- 30 double unders / 90 singles
Monday, July 16, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 3 rounds 1 min each station
- Floor Press (95/45)
- Air Squats
- Rope Climb
- row for calories
- box jumps (24"/20)
- *rest 1 full minute after all five stations completed.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
- team WOD 2-3 people. Reps are divided by team.
- 4 rounds
- 60 pushups
- 100 M sandbag lunges (45/25)
- 400 M sandbag run (run together)
- *work one partner at a time. 400M run is together.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 15 Min AMRAP
- 5 Push/or Split Jerks (205/115)
- 7 box jumps (30"/24")
- 15 med ball situps (20/14)
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 2 min on, 2 min off
- 5 rounds
- 100 M sprints
- 5 burpees
- as many squat cleans as possible (185/115)
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
- Strength WOD then...
- 12 min AMRAP
- 5 Power Snatch (135/95)
- 5 OHS (same weight)
- 20 double unders / 60 singles
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy Bday Cass, Stef, and C-Rob!
- SWOD then...
- 4 rounds
- 5 front squats (225/135)
- 10 deadlifts (same weight)
- 400 M run
Monday, July 2, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 7 Rounds
- 7 KB American Swings (70/53)
- 7 C2B Pullups
- 7 Plate Get Up Situps (45/25)
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 1,2,3,..7,8,7,6...1
- *pyramid up to 8 and back down*
- Pullups
- KB Swings (70/53)
- Wall Balls (20/14)
- cool down: 100 med ball partner situps (20/14)
Monday, June 25, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 12 Min AMRAP
- 3 Deadlift (315/225)
- 20 mountain climbers
- 30 double unders
- rest 5 minutes
- Run 1 mile for time
Sunday, June 24, 2012
- SWOD then...
- EMOM - Every minute on the minute
- 5 rounds
- 5 OHS (135 / 95)
- 12 HR pushups
- 2 minute break then...
- 5 rounds EMOM
- 10 Front Squats (135 / 95)
- 10 burpees
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
- 7 rounds
- 2 min on, 1 min off
- 5 front squats (205/135)
- 7 Box Jumps (30"/24")
- as many muscle ups / ring dips / box dips as possible in remaining time.
- *total score is total muscle ups or dips*
Friday, June 15, 2012
- 7 min AMRAP
- 5 KB Sumo DLHP (70/53)
- 2 rope climb ascents (modifications will be made if necessary)
- 5 min rest then...
- 7 min AMRAP
- 5 floor press (135/95)
- 10 floor wipers (135/95)(5 each side)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
- Push Jerk (155/105)
- Box jumps (24"/20")
- med ball situps (20/14)
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
- Warmup 5 rounds of cindy (not for time)
- 7 rounds
- 5 Hang Power Cleans (135 / 95)
- 5 Thrusters (135/95)
- 7 Toes to Bars
Friday, June 8, 2012
CrossFit for HOPE 6/9/12
- Three rounds of:
- Burpees
- 75 / 45 pound Power snatch
- Box jump, 24" box
- 75 / 45 pound Thruster
- Chest to bar Pull-ups
- "Hope" has the same format as Fight Gone Bad. In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep.
- SWOD then...
- 7 rounds
- 7 ring dips / or 21 box dips
- 10 v-ups
- 10 clapping/plyo pushups
- 100 M run
Thursday, June 7, 2012
- 15 min AMRAP
- 5 squat clean (155 / 105)
- 5 Floor press (155 / 105)
- 10 toes to bars
- cool down: stretching
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
- SWOD then..
- 400 M run
- 30 M OH Lunges (45/25)
- 20 pullups
- 30 KB American Swings (70/53)
- 20 pullups
- 30 M OH Lunges (45/25)
- 400 M run
Monday, June 4, 2012
- SWOD then...
- 4 rounds
- 10 OHS (115/75)
- 20 Double Unders / 60 singles
- 10 Push Press (115/75)
- 20 Double Unders / 60 singles
The Pit Team Wars 6/4/12
- *Team WOD 2-3 people per team
- 4 rounds
- 10 Partner Deadlift (2 people at once on bar) (315/225)
- 10 Partner hop burpees while other partner does plank hold (partner will jump over planking partner to finish each burpee then partners switch so each do 10 per round)
- 400 M run with Sandbag (45/25)
- *teams of 3 will do 15 deadlifts (alternate partners), all 3 do 10 burpees alternate plank holder, and 600 M run with Sandbag*
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
- 5 min AMRAP
- 5 deadlifts (275 / 185)
- 10 lateral bar burpees
- rest 5 minutes
- 5 min AMRAP
- 7 KB American Swings (70/53)
- 15 double unders / 45 singles
- cool down: 100 russian twists (45/25)
Murphy 5/29/12
- Memorial Day tradition!!! Honoring a real life hero! Since we were closed on Monday, we'll make it up tuesday!
- 1 mile run
- 100 pullups
- 200 pushups
- 300 air squats
- 1 mile run
- ** the pullups, pushups and squats can be broken down however way you want. But you must start and end the WOD with a 1 mile run**
- * there will be an option to do 1/4 or 1/2 of the WOD*
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
- 7 Min AMRAP
- 5 Sumo DLHP (135/95)
- 100 M run
- 5 min rest
- 7 min AMRAP
- 15 burpees
- 30 Double Unders / 90 singles
- cool down: 800 M row or run
Happy Birthday Pao!
- SWOD then...
- 7 rounds
- 4 ring muscle ups or 12 C2B pullups
- 7 push press (135/95)
- 15 ab mat situps
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
- 15 Front Squats (135/95)
- 15 box jumps (24"/20")
- 100 M run15 Front Squats (135/95)
- 15 box jumps (24"/20")
- 200 M run
- 15 Front Squats (135/95)
- 15 box jumps (24"/20")
- 400 M run
- 15 Front Squats (135/95)
- 15 box jumps (24"/20")
- 800 M run
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Happy Birthday Julie! - Diane
- SWOD then...
- 21-15-9
- Deadlifts (225/155)
- HSPU (RX is head to floor or using 45's on each side of ab mat)
- 10 min rest.
- cool down: 800 M run
Friday, May 18, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
- 7 Min AMRAP
- Burpee-Pullups (total reps)
- rest 5 Minutes
- 7 Min AMRAP
- 10 Floor Press (95/65)
- 10 Floor Wipers (same bar)
- 10 Sumo DLHP (same bar)
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