- A. 8 min EMOM Hang Power Clean working up to 60%
- 8 min E2-MOM hang PC working up to new 1RM
- B. Fran 21-15-9
- Thrusters (95/65)
- Pullups
- * strict 10 minute cap
- ** at 10 minutes start...
- C. 5 sets of 1 min plank with 1 minute rest
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
- warmup: 3 rounds
- 5 pushups
- 10 situps
- 20 lateral hops
- 5 rounds
- 12 Box Jumps (24"/20")
- 12 Russian KB Swings (70/53)
- 200 M run with wall hurdle (or replace with 4 burpees)
- A. Turkish Getup 1RM per arm
- B. EMOM for 10
- 6 Front Squats (135/95)
- 6 Bar facing burpees (Hop with both feet leaving the floor at the same time)
- **key is to finish all minutes with full reps or scale down reps as needed.
- C. L-Sit hold. Accumulate 3 total minutes with a running clock
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
- WARMUP: empty bar clean and jerk technique work led by coaches
- A. Clean and Jerk (may be squat or power clean and push or split jerk) EMOM - 1 rep for first 8 minutes. Second 8 minutes will be every OTHER minute
- Teams of 2 or 3
- Team Chipper
- 1000 M row
- Plank Hold (one partner must do plank hold while other rows, switch whenever)
- 80 Push Jerk/Press (115/75)
- *one partner hangs from the bar, switch as needed
- 60 ring dips / 120 box dips
- *one partner does wall walk or HSPU hold
- 60 back rack Weighted Box Step ups (115/75) (24"/20")
- wall sit hold, switch as needed
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
- WARMUP: empty bar squat snatch technique work led by coaches
- A. Squat Snatch EMOM - 1 rep for first 8 minutes. Second 8 minutes will be every OTHER minute
- B. 21-15-9
- Deadlift (225/155)
- *400 M run after every set
- * 17 min cap
Monday, May 25, 2015
- WARMUP: 3 rounds not for time
- 2 wall walks
- 6 hollow rocks (rock back and forth = 1 rep)
- 20 double unders (or double under practice)
- A. Push Press 5-3-3-1-1
- B. 7 min AMRAP ladder
- 1,2,3,4...
- Power Clean (185/115)
- Bar Muscle Up / 2x CHEST TO BAR pullups
- C.
- 25 M sled sprints x6. Rest as needed. Athletes go as heavy as possible
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Friday, May 22, 2015
5/23/15 - "Memorial Day MURPH"
- 1 mile run then...
- 100 pullups
- 200 pushups
- 300 air squats
- finish with 1 mile run
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
- Warmup with Empty Bar
- 3 rounds
- 5 good mornings
- 5 snatch grip behind the neck press
- 5 OHS
- A. Romanian DL 3-3-3-3-3
- B. EMOM 12
- Minute 1: 4 Hang Squat Snatch (95/65)
- 7 Toes to Bar / knees to elbows / or 12 v-ups
- ** scaled down reps if necessary
- Minute 2: 40 Double Unders / lateral hops / or 80 singles
- **use even minutes to work on double unders if you are still learning them
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
- A. Front Squat 5-3-3-1-1
- B. 40-30-20-10
- KB American Swings (55/35)
- Box Jumps (24"/20")
- ** 11 min cap
- C. accumulate 3 minutes of hollow rock hold. 10 minute running clock
Monday, May 18, 2015
- WARMUP: 3 rounds not for time
- 2 wall walks
- 6 hollow rocks (rock back and forth = 1 rep)
- 20 double unders (or double under practice)
- A. Push or Split Jerk 5-3-3-1-1
- B. 4 rounds
- 400 M run
- 15 Burpees
- 3 rope climbs / 3 rope climbs seated to standing with feet on floor
Sunday, May 17, 2015
- warmup:
- Split the class in even/fair teams if possible. Try to have about 4 ppl per team. Line up teams next to each other
- person 1, then 2, then 3, then 4 goes in a tag race style.
- 5 air squats
- 5 burpees
- run 50 feet
- 5 pushups
- run 50 feet back to tag next person
- repeat the race 3-4 times.
- B. ** SHOULDER MOBILITY before Hammer **
- C. 5 RFT - "Hammer"
- 5 Power Cleans (135/95)
- 10 Front Squats (135/95)
- 5 Jerks (135/95)
- 20 Pull Ups
- ** Mandatory Rest of 90 Seconds between rounds **
- ** 25 min cap **
Friday, May 15, 2015
*** REMEMBER all 3 locations are closed this Saturday!!
We will be having a beach workout instead at 10am by the Yankee Clipper hotel in Ft Lauderdale beach!
We will be having a beach workout instead at 10am by the Yankee Clipper hotel in Ft Lauderdale beach!
1140 Seabreeze Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Thursday, May 14, 2015
- A. Farmer Walk 50m max weight - 3 attempts
- B. AMRAP 15
- 15 Situps
- 10 Power Cleans (115/75)
- 5 Push Press (115/75)
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
- A. Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
- B. 4 rounds
- 5 Muscle Ups / 5 pullups and 5 ring dips
- 10 Front Rack Lunges (5 per leg) (135/95)
- 400 M run
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
- Shoulder mobility then...
- 3 RNFT
- 10 Empty Bar Thrusters (10 second hold on bottom during 10th rep)
- 10 Supermans
- 10 Pushups
- A. 250M row relay 3x per athlete
- B. AMRAP 12 min
- 14 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 10 Toes to Bar / 14 v-ups
- C. cool down: 1 min plank, 1 min off x3
Monday, May 11, 2015
- warmup: Squat clean technique work
- A. Every 2 minutes for 14 minutes - 3 touch and go squat cleans. Start at 40% or less work your way up
- B. 10 min HSPU practice or max unbroken HSPU
- C. 1 mile for time
Sunday, May 10, 2015
5/11/15 - "Isabel"
- A. Single Arm DB/KB row 3x8/arm
- B. lacrosse or foam roll glutes and legs. Work on shoulder mobility led by coach
- C. Isabel
- 30 reps Squat or Power Snatch (135/95)
Friday, May 8, 2015
- teams of 2 or 3
- with a 23 minute running clock perform
- 6 rounds
- 20 Planking Burpees (one planks while other performs burpee over planking partner)
- 16 Partner Situps (both go down and up together)
- then with remaining time one partner performs 400 M med ball run, then tag other partner to do 400 M med ball run alone. Teams of 3 will have 2 partners running then tagging 1 while the first 2 rest.
- Goal is to get as many meters with med ball run as possible within the 23 minutes
- an switch med ball carrier at any point, teammates run together)
Thursday, May 7, 2015
- A. Weighted Pushups 3-3-3-3-3
- Skill review - box jump and thruster efficiency
- B. AMRAP 7
- 3 Thrusters (165/105)
- 5 Box Jumps (30"/24")
- rest 3 minutes
- C. AMRAP 7 minutes
- 3 Thrusters (115/75)
- 5 toes to bar
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
- A. Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
- B. Perform 100 hang power cleans (135/95)
- * every time you drop the bar do 30 double unders or lateral hops
- ** can NOT rest on the back rack or from a bending (leaning over) hang position
- *** 13 min cap, scale accordingly
Monday, May 4, 2015
- warmup: 500 M row, then Power Clean technique work with coaches
- A. Power Clean 16 min clock. 8 Min EMOM, one PC working up then
- second set of 8 min will be Every 2 Minutes up to 1RM for the day
- B. teams of 2 or 3
- 4 Rope Climb / 12 Strict Pullups
- 20 DB Alternating Snatch (70/55)
- 40 Assault Bike Cals
- 70 burpees
- 40 Assault Bike Cals
- 20 DB Alternating Snatch (70/55)
- 4 Rope Climb / 12 Strict Pullups
- * one partner resting at a time per team*
- *teams of 3 will have reps readjusted accordingly
Sunday, May 3, 2015
5/4/15 - "Nancy"
- warmup:
- 2 rounds
- 10 Thoracic High Fives (per side)
- http://youtu.be/2y_A4xfbGUU?t=3m28s
- 10 back strokes
- http://youtu.be/xbOxmQRi7fM?t=8m19s
- 10 PVC OHS
- A. Strict Shoulder Press 5-3-3-1-1
- Coaches skill review: OHS
- B. Nancy (20 min cap)
- 5 rounds
- 400 M run
- 15 OHS (95/65)
Friday, May 1, 2015
- Teams of 2 or 3
- 10 rounds
- 10 Partner Clapping Pushups
- 20 Pullups or ring rows (one person at a time)
- 100 M run (together)
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